
Vereinigung Zürcher Kunstfreunde
c/o Kunsthaus Zürich
8024 Zürich
Represented by:
President Gitti Hug
Tel: +41 (0)44 253 84 79
for Content:
Alexandra Koller Boskovski
Tel: +41 (0)44 253 84 79
Kunstfreunde Zürich
c/o Kunsthaus Zürich
Alexandra Koller Boskovski
8024 Zürich
Bank Details:
Credit Suisse AG, CH 8070 Zürich
BC 4835, Konto Nr. 468953-31
IBAN CH42 0483 5046 8953 3100 0
Concept, Design,
and Programming
Martin J.-M. Burkhardt
Image rights:
Caroline Minjolle
Dominic Büttner
FBM Studio
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