Statutes of our
Article 1
The Vereinigung Zürcher Kunstfreunde (hereinafter VZK) is an association as defined in Art. 60 ff. ZGB with its registered office in Zurich.
Article 2
The purpose of the VZK is to promote art in Zurich and contribute to the expansion of the collection at Kunsthaus Zürich by loaning works, connecting art collectors with art lovers in Zurich, and promoting mutual exchange.
The association pursues neither purposes of financial nor personal gain.
Article 3
The following types of membership are available:
a) Honorary members may be appointed to the VZK for rendering special services to the VZK. They are appointed for life and do not pay a fee.
b) Patron members are natural persons or legal entities that make a single contribution of CHF 100,000 or a corresponding donation. Natural persons acquire membership for life. Membership for legal entities expires after ten years.
c) Lifetime members are natural persons who make a single contribution of Fr. 30,000.
d) The annual fee for individual membership is Fr. 1,400; the annual fee for couple membership is Fr. 2,000.
e) Young members up to the age of 35 pay an annual subscription of CHF 300, young members up to the age of 40 CHF 500.
f) The Board may introduce other types of membership. Membership in the VZK also includes membership in the Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft; the VZK shall pay the respective membership fee.
Article 4
The Board decides on the admission of new members. Honorary members shall be appointed by the General Assembly.
Article 5
The liability of the VZK is limited to the association’s assets. Personal liability of members is excluded.
Article 6
The General Assembly shall decide on the acquisition of works of art, with the exception of art acquired by the Gruppe Junge Kunst (Article 10, Paragraph 3). The Gruppe Junge Kunst shall acquire works by young artists with a budget proposed by the Board to the General Assembly and approved in advance by the latter each year. The acquisition of works of art shall proceed in coordination with the Kunsthaus Zürich. The requests of members and donors regarding the use of their contributions shall be taken into account as far as possible.
Article 7
Members are encouraged to make gifts to the VZK, including testamentary dispositions.
Article 8
The three bodies of the VZK are:
a) the General Assembly
b) the Board
c) the Financial Auditors
Article 9
The General Assembly shall meet once a year upon availability of the annual financial statements. The General Assembly may convene extraordinary meetings if required. The Board shall call such meetings at least 20 days in advance. The duties of the General Assembly are:
a) Electing the Board, President, and Financial Auditors;
b) Approving the report from the Board and annual financial statements;
c) Resolving on the formal removal of members of the Board;
d) Resolving on the acquisition of works of art as defined in Article 6 of the statutes;
e) Resolving on any amendments to the statutes and dissolution or merger of the association.
Resolutions of the General Assembly are passed by a simple majority of votes. For elections, the majority of present members is required.
Resolutions of the members may also be passed in writing upon written request of the Board. Such resolutions are passed by the majority of all members. Each member has one vote.
Article 10
The Board consists of at least five members who are elected for a term of three years. Re- election is possible once a term has expired. As of January 1, 2020, the Board shall consist of a minimum of five and a maximum of 12 members. The reduction of the Board shall be executed by December 31, 2019. The director of Kunsthaus Zürich is an ex officio member of the Board. The Board shall be responsible for all matters of the VZK, insofar as the General Assembly is not responsible. The Board is self-constituted and regulates the signing authority of its members. It appoints the members of the Gruppe Junge Kunst, who must not be members of the Board, and issues organizational regulations. It may appoint further committees.
The members of the Board serve on a voluntary basis and are only entitled to compensation for expenses paid and cash expenditures.
Article 11
The General Assembly elects two Financial Auditors for a term of three years.
Article 12
Upon dissolution of the association and fulfillment of all liabilities, all remaining assets of the association are to be donated to a tax-exempt institution, registered in Switzerland, with the same or similar purpose. A distribution among the members is excluded.
Last revised at the annual meeting of the General Assembly held in Zurich on June 5, 2023.